"It's not the end of the world. In fact it's not even the end of the summer ..."

Hm. Just nu .. Är allt jobbigt. Dummt! Dåligt. Skräp! Kanske inte för mig. Eller jo, men mest för.. någon annan. Och just därför vill jag bidra med en sång, som .. Passar väldigt bra in just nu. Mitt i sommarn.

Därför att kanske, måste människor ibland, bara vakna upp. Se sig omkring. Och tänka efter: Är det verkligen världens undergång? eller är det bara vi som klagar..?

Bowling For Soup- "Shut up and smile"!

Älskar låten, Och älskar band namnet: Bowling For Soup (<---RANDOM!)

Text: (Har skrivit i kanten/strukit under det som.. Ja, är bra. Helt enkelt!)  

Its not the end of the world
In fact its not even the end of the summer
But thank god the tv is on
Cuz theres no way we could know
Anything that’s goin down
Or how were supposed to be feeling about it
I cant tell you how much I wish we could shut up and smile, yeah

Sail around the world and tell them all to keep singing it
la la la la la la
all we needs a harmony and we’ll convince the world to sing
la la la la la la
throw your arms around someone (throw your arms around someone)
maybe spread a little love
I know it sounds a little dumb (or maybe I’m a little drunk)  (<--??)
But all we need is some ice cream and a hug                        (<--- SO ture!)
Take a good look around
Does life really suck
Are we just complaining?                           (<-- Yeah!)

I hope that this mic is on (testing 1, 2)
Cuz im on a roll here
I hope this is making some sense
I hope that you’ll throw up your hands and sing it
And tell all the haters that they should just shut up and smile, yeah

Sail around the world and tell them all to keep singing it
la la la la la la
all we needs a harmony and we’ll convince the world to sing
la la la la la la
throw your arms around someone (throw your arms around someone)
maybe spread a little love
I know it sounds a little dumb (or maybe I’m a little drunk)
But all we need is some ice cream

All we need is love and beer
And old school metal and holiday cheer
TO be happy
(All you need is someone near)
like Ben and Jerry                           (<--- Haha ;D)
(to hold you close and pretend that they care)

can we all just, get along now
we found something that we all have in common now
we can hold hands, do keg stands
water skiing sounds great to me now

Sail around the world and tell them all to keep singing it
la la la la la la
all we needs a harmony and we’ll convince the world to sing
la la la la la la
throw your arms around someone (throw your arms around someone)
maybe spread a little love
I know it sounds a little dumb (or maybe we’re a little drunk)
But all we need is some ice cream and a hug

(Chanting “All we need is love and beer”)
all we need is some ice cream and a hug
all we need is some ice cream and a hug
all we need is some ice cream and a hug!

Den här låten är till dig Magdalena Liljemon. Du är bäst! Jag älskar dig. Kom ihåg det. Jag vet att det är svårt. Men håll ut. Allt ordnar sig.

Postat av: Magda<333

Åh tack,tack,tack!!! Jag älskar dej med! Och va skönt att de finns folk som du som faktiskt bryr dej! Jag är fortfarande jätte ledsen och de kommer jag alltid vara, men de är bättre..och nu inser jag att livet går vidare och att jag visst kommer överleva =)<3333333333

2010-08-16 @ 11:33:07

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